Saturday, July 3, 2010

Avoiding pesticides

I'm going to be writing more about cloth diapers soon, which ones are which and which ones are our favorites.  Let me just say that they have come a LONG way!  Not that I live my life based on anything celebreties do, but there are actually a lot of celebrity parents that are using cloth diapers, boutique-ish of course.  I only say that  because now I think cloth has such a desirable advantage over disposables, and I think a lot of people are starting to see that, too.  So, more to follow...

Today I wanted to mention a super easy way to make an organic impact on your whole family.  Produce!!  We are in my favorite season of the year in Georgia, foodwise (not temperature wise).  Almost everything is in season!!  I have to be careful not to overbuy before I can use everything that's on sale.

One of the biggest complaints about organic food is the cost.  It just isn't feasible for most of us to buy 100% organic.  Produce that isn't genetically modified is often out of season very quickly and becomes even more expensive.  Our only local organic grocery chain is Earthfare, and I have to work really hard to shop there without going way over budget.  However, they do have an agreement to their customers that they won't sell anything that is overinflated.  I think their definition and my definition of overinflated differ at times.

The great thing about produce is that there are some foods that absorb pesticides more than others.  So when you're in a pinch and can't afford or can't find the organic brand, buy local or conventional variety.  The Environmental Working Group has put out a very helpful list of the Dirty Dozen worst foods to buy conventially grown, and the Clean 15 lowest in pesticides.  Here's the list:

Dirty Dozen
1.  Celery
2.  Peaches
3.  Strawberries
4.  Apples
5.  Blueberries (domestic)
6.  Nectarines
7.  Sweet bell peppers
8.  Spinach
9.  Collard greens/kale
10.  Cherries
11.  Potatoes
12.  Grapes (imported)

Clean 15
1.  Onions
2.  Avocados
3.  Sweet corn
4.  Pineapples
5.  Mangos
6.  Sweet peas
7.  Asparagus
8.  Kiwi
9.  Cabbage
10.  Eggplant
11.  Cantaloupe (domestic)
12.  Watermelon
13.  Grapefruit
14.  Sweet potatoes
15.  Honeydew melon

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